blue wave lines
Flower in the RIver, Other natalie zett Flower in the RIver, Other natalie zett

Regrets, I've Had a Few - And Now I'm Better For It! Honest!

There’s nothing quite like reading your own book aloud to gain a fresh perspective. As I’ve recorded the audiobook version these last few months, I’m hearing my story with new ears.

Turns out that narrating my tale uncovered slight tweaks for the next print edition and shone a spotlight on insights that evaded me during the writing process. Bringing my book to podcast form has taken this to another level - sparking ideas for new stories waiting to be told.

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Through Tears and Time: The Day of the Eastland Disaster

Note: this is a special episode commemorating the 108th Anniversary of The Eastland Disaster (July 24, 1915).

Can you imagine the excitement of a 19-year-old embarking on what is supposed to be a fun-filled journey, only to have it end in one of the most disastrous maritime incidents in history? Episode 19 of Flower in the River podcast is the personal account of my family's experience with the Eastland Disaster of 1915, primarily through the death of Martha Pfeiffer, my ancestor and the young girl at the center of this tragic story. We take you back to that fateful day, the sheer horror and panic of learning about the ship's accident, and the desperate search of Annie Pfeiffer Donovan, Martha's sister, for her sibling amongst the chaos.

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Podcasts! Two in one week

I was a guest on two podcasts (the week of 21 Feb 2022). Not sure how that happened but, as a “shy person,” I could have used a “heaping helping” of Powdermilk Biscuits (the mythical sponsor of Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home Companion). These magical concoctions promise to give “shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done.”

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