Regrets, I've Had a Few - And Now I'm Better For It! Honest!

There’s nothing quite like reading your own book aloud to gain a fresh perspective. As I’ve recorded the audiobook version these last few months, I’m hearing my story with new ears.

Turns out that narrating my tale uncovered slight tweaks for the next print edition and shone a spotlight on insights that evaded me during the writing process. Bringing my book to podcast form has taken this to another level - sparking ideas for new stories waiting to be told.

One realization that struck me is how discovering her family’s hidden past also puts Zara’s own regrets into focus. We often shy away from discussing regrets, but they hold a wealth of self-knowledge if we dare to face them.

Like Zara, I’ve had to confront those twinges of remorse we all feel for roads not taken, words left unsaid, and missed opportunities. But opening my eyes to regrets has propelled me forward, not backward.

Owning my mistakes and disappointments has allowed me to write a new chapter, taking the wisdom gained. I’ve found that our most crushing failures often transform into our greatest strengths.

So I say, let’s talk about regrets! What painful lesson taught you the most about yourself? How did a regretful choice lead you to your true calling? What will you do differently when tomorrow’s temptation arises?

I invite you to explore and share your stories of regret. Rather than boxes of shame, these experiences are gifts that guide us to grow. Having the courage to express regrets out loud can be powerfully liberating.

Join me on this journey to transform our rearview mirrors from places of pain to compasses showing the way ahead. Our regrets connect us in our shared humanity - and becoming authors of our own life stories allows us to write the ending we want.

Oh, and please check out Episode 21 of Flower in the River Podcast. It is called Rearview Regrets: U-Turns to Growth,  and introduces Chapter 5. Living in the Past.

Image for Ep. 21 of Flower in the River Podcast: Rearview Regrets: U-Turns to Growth

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

“On Leaving Community”


Trading Places, Trading Fates