Past Shadows, Future Hopes: Zara, Magda, and Family Mysteries (Podcast)

Past Shadows, Future Hopes: Zara, Magda, and Family Mysteries

Welcome to Episode 13 of Flower in the River Podcast.

This episode focuses on Aunt Magda as she continues sharing insights and guidance with Zara—while trying to give Zara space to make her own discoveries.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • Aunt Magda’s Principles & Personality: Magda, a powerful  clairvoyant, balances providing guidance without fostering dependence. She encourages Zara to consider moving from her current living situation, advising that it’s not truly her home.

  • Zara’s journey: Magda hints at the hard choices Zara must make. The message from Magda is clear - there are some choices that are life-affirming and others that aren’t.

  • The role of spirituality: We explore Zara's spiritual roots, profoundly shaped by her Eastern European kin, who consistently remind her that life encompasses more than just the visible world.

  • Another lost Family Tale: I share a compelling story about my grandfather’s village, Oľšavica, in East Slovakia. The people of the village courageously hid 50 neighbors, including 35 Jews, from the Nazis during World War II. A link to a comic illustrating this story is shared in the notes below.

  • Reading Passage: I’ll read another passage from “Annie’s Granddaughter,” the second chapter of Flower in the River. This passage is a conversation between Zara and Aunt Magda, revealing more about Zara’s family history and hinting at a tragic past.

  • The power of stories: We reflect on the power of stories, how they can inspire and motivate, and how they can plant seeds of curiosity and strength. Aunt Magda employs this power to motivate Zara, sharing just enough information about a family tragedy to keep Zara engaged.


Past Shadows, Future Hopes: Zara, Magda, and Family Mysteries



natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

SIsters who were sisters - x2


Fearlessness | Valor - Olsavica, Slovakia