Karl Roseland and Lena Roseland - Sibling Survivors

Generative AI Art, reimagining the Roseland Siblings - Karl and Lena (Lina) @2024 Natalie Zett


By United Press

CHICAGO, July 26, 1915. - Miss Lina Roseland of bast Forty- second St., an Eastland survivor,  told a thrilling story of being  taken from amidst a score of  corpses under one of the ship's  big plates that was cut out with electromagnetic drills by the rescuers. She was recovering today from her experience.

"My brother Karl and I were  standing near the rall on a lower deck when the Eastland tipped  over," the girl said. "I lost Karl  as the boat carried me down, until I felt the muddy bottom. 1  can swim and knew onouch to  hold my breath. Then I began to  rise.


 "At last I felt air against my face but could ane nothing, Then  I felt things bobbing all about  me. As I touched the slippery  side of the wall that was ahout  me, my hand struck something soft.  

"I had not recovered fully my  senses and held on to it. Then  suddenly the horrible realization  of what it was came over me. It was a body.

 "I screamed and felt myself  fainting, but then I caught hold of a projection. I screamed again and heard an answering shout. I  could not believe my ears. It was my brother's voice. He told me  to be brave; that he had come in the state room next to me.  


 "I way bravo for a time and  then I thought I would lose my  mind. Several bodles, all of them  of women or little children,  would keep knocking against me however much I tried to climb  higher.

 "Then I heard the hammering  and cutting as the men worked  to cut away the plates. As a piece came away, a little light  filtered through and as I started a prayer of thankfulnoss It was  choked in my throat, for light fell on the upturned, staring  faces about me. Then I partly lost consciousness.


"I fell back in the water with just sufficient consciousness and strength to remember to float on my back. I could see the men  finally break through the plate.  Then they began taking out bodies,

"I tried to call them, for as each corpse was lifted out, someone would say: 'Yes, I'm afraid  they’re all dead.  Then at last they saw me and pulled me out. Brother Karl was there, urging them on as I was pulled out minutes before taken out a few minutes before.”

Features Lena Roseland’s account.


Siblings, Lena Roseland and Karl Roseland, continued living together in Chicago. Karl worked as a toolmaker for Western Electric and Lena worked as dressmaker. They are buried together at Arlington Cemetery in Elmhurst, DuPage County, Illinois.

  • Lena Roseland, born 1868 in Sweden. Died 1960 in Chicago.

  • Karl Roseland, born 1878 in Sweden. Died 1978 in Chicago.

In this video, we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the Eastland disaster by highlighting the individuals whose stories have been covered in our podcast since November 2023. These untold narratives honor the memory and legacy of those affected by the tragedy. Here is the link to the complete video: https://tinyurl.com/2bps9bvt

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


From Web to River: Tracing Eastland's Digital Footprints


The Eastland Disaster of 1915 - SPECULATIONS AND OTHER RAMBLINGS