From Web to River: Tracing Eastland's Digital Footprints

A collage for "Flower in the River Podcast Ep. 74," titled "From Web to River: Tracing Eastland's Digital Footprints." ©2024 Natalie Zett"

Striking Gold in Free Archives: Unearthing Hidden Eastland Stories

It's been a while since I last dove into the treasure troves of Google Books and FamilySearch’s Books section in search of Eastland stories, but I’m so glad I did. Just this week, I uncovered several news articles on Google Books, but the real gem came when I discovered some family histories on FamilySearch. One of the most intriguing finds was the story of the Kennedy family from Doon, County Limerick, Ireland. Several members of this family immigrated to the USA and eventually settled in Chicago. Among them was Michael Kennedy, who went on to become a Chicago Police Officer and was one of the first responders when the Eastland capsized. As far as I can tell, this incredible story isn’t documented anywhere else except in this family history created by the Kennedy descendants. It was quite the find!

In addition to this, although I had come across the names of sister and brother survivors Lena and Karl Roseland before, this was the first time I read Lena’s firsthand account, which I found in a newspaper archived on Google Books.

Show notes

In episode 74, we're uncovering more hidden gems from the Eastland disaster, including a deep dive into one of the very first websites dedicated to this tragic event. Get ready for stories you won’t find anywhere else!

Key Points:

  • Explored personal time capsules, including Aunt Pearl's notes about our family's connection to the Eastland disaster

  • Discussed the importance of an early Eastland disaster website and its impact on research

  • Highlighted the significance of proper source citations in historical research, referencing Elizabeth Shown Mills' work

  • Introduced valuable research resources: Google Books and's Books section

  • Shared the story of Michael Kennedy, a Chicago policeman and first responder to the Eastland disaster

  • Recounted the harrowing survival tale of siblings Lena and Karl Roseland

In this video, we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the Eastland disaster by highlighting the individuals whose stories have been covered in our podcast since November 2023. These untold narratives honor the memory and legacy of those affected by the tragedy. Here is the link to the complete video:

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

Michael Kennedy - First Responder


Karl Roseland and Lena Roseland - Sibling Survivors