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Writing Tips, Genealogy Tips natalie zett Writing Tips, Genealogy Tips natalie zett

Think Like a Genealogist: Unearth the Stories that Crafted You

Think Like a Genealogist: Unearth the Stories that Crafted You

Have you ever marveled at a detective show, watched in awe as mysteries unravel and stories unfold? Now, imagine if that thrilling narrative was about you—your past, your roots, your very DNA. Whether you realize it or not, there’s an epic saga just waiting to be discovered, with you as the central character. Genealogy isn’t reserved for historians or those with a penchant for old photographs; it’s for anyone with a story, a past, a legacy. It’s for you. So, why not think like a genealogist and dive into the most personal mystery of all: your ancestry?

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Genealogy Tips, Lessons Learned natalie zett Genealogy Tips, Lessons Learned natalie zett

Long-Lost Cousins or Lost Causes? Proceed with Caution

Long-Lost Cousins or Lost Causes? Proceed with Caution

While I'm a big cheerleader for family history and genetic genealogy, I always recommend going in with your eyes fully open.

Just like the general population has its share of saints and scoundrels, so does your sprawling family tree. I've learned this the hard way. In my quest for deeper connections, I've occasionally ignored red flags—until they became impossible-to-ignore flare guns lighting up the sky.

You’re probably wondering what happened. Well, I’ll tell you.

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