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Creative Influences, Lessons Learned natalie zett Creative Influences, Lessons Learned natalie zett

Because of Rod Serling

We who have been influenced and occasionally transformed by The Twilight Zone are legion.

In our home, Rod Serling was always a welcome virtual guest since my mom, dad, grandfather, sister and I were hooked on that show. Maybe it helped foster a deeper bond among us because we’d often discuss it, refer to it, and even joke about it. For example, my sister and I would run around the house screaming, “It’s a cookbook!!” (reference: “To Serve Man”).

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Creative Influences natalie zett Creative Influences natalie zett

A Light That Could not be Dimmed - Patty Wetterling

A Light That Could not be Dimmed - Patty Wetterling

Few among us have not been touched by adversity - I mean, I wrote a book about a family tragedy and its ripples through the generations!

Despite facing an unimaginable loss, Patty Wetterling showed remarkable resilience that embodies the essence of Minnesota Strong.

I’ve met Patty a few times over the years, though I’ve always kept a respectful distance. Being near someone whose character was forged by such intense sorrow is humbling. She evokes the same sense of awe I’ve felt in ancient houses of worship or even in the cell of medieval mystic Julian of Norwich - places where you can feel a human spirit too powerful to be contained by a single lifetime.

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