Libby Hruby Tribute

Libby Hruby, Eastland Survivor.

“Those people who perished should be remembered. There is a satisfaction that someone thinks of them.”

Libby Klucina Hruby. 1905- 2004. Eastland Disaster Survivor and Chronicler.

To learn more about Libby and other Eastland Disaster survivors, see From Silence to Testimony: Eastland Survivors Speak Out

Daily Herald, May 10, 2003

Center to Honor Eastland Tragedy, page 1. Daily Herald, May 10, 2003

Center to Honor Eastland Tragedy, page 2. Daily Herald, May 10, 2003

In this video, we commemorate the 109th anniversary of the Eastland disaster by highlighting the individuals whose stories have been covered in our podcast since November 2023. These untold narratives honor the memory and legacy of those affected by the tragedy. Here is the link to the complete video:

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

Unraveling the Threads: Capone, Cons, and a Child's Survival


Story of Disaster By Only Newspaper Man Who Saw it - HARLAN E. BABCOCK