Rivers of Grief: Eastland and the General Slocum

Collage titled 'Rivers of Grief: Eastland and the General Slocum' featuring various historical images and newspaper clippings. Top left shows a shoreline with wreckage from a disaster. Middle left features an artistic depiction of a burning steamboat

A collage featuring various historical elements related to Annie Hillman (Eastland Disaster) and the General Slocum Disaster.

This episode dives into the eerie connections between the Eastland Disaster and the General Slocum tragedy, two devastating events with striking historical parallels. Listen in for compelling stories of individuals touched by these disasters, their genealogical backgrounds, and personal narratives. Discover the profound impact on immigrant communities and the importance of keeping their stories alive.


 Kicking off with an introduction and a promised update on individuals mentioned in a letter from Eastland survivor Martha Willig.

Eastland Disaster Stories:

  • Investigating the heart-wrenching story of Anna Hillman from Hoboken, NJ, who lost her life in the Eastland Disaster.

  • Exploring the emotional toll of Anna's death on her scattered family and their poignant journey.

Personal Reactions and Genealogical Insights:

  •  Sharing a visceral reaction to Anna Hillman's story and the challenges of researching fragmented family histories.

  • Highlighting how genealogical research can transform personal perceptions and shatter hidden biases.

Alarm Clock Saves Lives:

  • A remarkable tale from the Plainfield Courier News about how a failed alarm clock saved Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Dorchester from boarding the Eastland by a minute.

Connecting the Eastland and General Slocum Disasters:

  • Drawing parallels between the Eastland Disaster and the General Slocum tragedy, focusing on the similarities in affected demographics and their relative obscurity in popular culture.

  •  Both disasters predominantly involved working-class immigrants, particularly women and children.

General Slocum Disaster Overview:

  • The General Slocum caught fire in the East River in 1904, claiming over 1,000 lives, mainly German immigrants from St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church (New York).

  • Discussing the details of the fire, the crew's delayed response, and the tragic loss of life.

Artistic Tribute:

  • Highlighting the incredible work of artist Cindy Vojnovic, who created a series of paintings depicting the General Slocum saster. Her artwork adds emotional depth to the tragic event and helps preserve its memory.

Reflection and Closing:

  • Reflecting on the importance of remembering and honoring past tragedies through art and storytelling.

  • Emphasizing that the Eastland and General Slocum disasters, though not as iconic as the Titanic, hold unique and significant places in history.

People mentioned in this story

  • Anna Hillman - Eastland Victim

  • Slocum Disaster Victims - Survivor

History of the General Slocum Disaster of which nearly 1200 Lives were Lost

This book is in public domain and is available on Hathitrust or you can download the entire book from Google Drive.

New York’s Awful Excursion Boat Horror

This book is also in public domain and available on Hathitrust.

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


From Tragedy to Transformation: The George Haas Story


From Hoboken to Hawthorne: Martha Willig's Untold Story