Something enchanting happened while creating the Latest podcast

After finishing a podcast, I always create a graphic collage to highlight or summarize its content.

While my latest podcast episode, "Sketching an Unlived Life: A Tapestry of Gratitude, History, and Ancient Wisdom." touches on Chapter 6 from Flower in the River, it dives deeper—way into the heart of family and legacy.

My book and its “offspring” have always been my extended thank-you letter to my Aunt Martha, who tragically died on the Eastland. You know the story—it should've been my grandma on that fateful boat. But destiny had other plans, and in a twist of fate, Grandma handed over that one-way ticket to Martha.

As I pieced together the episode's collage, I knew Martha's photo had to be in it. I even included her quirky note to someone named "H," which says,

"Say H. Can you find me on here. Some picture is what I mean. With love, Mart."

Intriguing, right?

For the backdrop, I chose a scene from the 2nd Regiment Armory—the makeshift morgue for the Eastland victims (and future home of Oprah's Harpo Studios!). Softened it up to look like a watercolor painting, but its presence is felt.

Only after finishing did I catch it—Martha's note takes on a double meaning; it's not just her in the photo, but also the essence of her in that haunting background. Kind of feels like one of those "unseen hands" guiding me again.

it's been ages since I first dived into this family branch's history and felt those tingles of serendipity. Forgot how electric that feels—until this moment, that is!

Why does October always feel so...charged?

Collage from “Sketching an Unlived Life: A Tapestry of Gratitude, History, and Ancient Wisdom” Ep. 32 of Flower in the River Podcast.

Close-up of Martha Pfeiffer’s note

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

Unintended Detours Into the Past


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