Mary Hefferen: Recovered Eastland Story

Mary Hefferen’s obituary from the Cook County Herald, Arlington Heights, Cook County, Illinois, Friday, July 30, 1915.

Mary Hefferen 1875-1915

So many stories from the Eastland Disaster hide in plain sight, which is great news! We can uncover these personal histories and give a voice to those affected by this tragedy through diligent research in historical newspapers and archives. Even better, many of these resources are online and FREE. This important work ensures their stories are not forgotten. (Note: Please see Mary’s memorial on Find A Grave.)

Here is the transcript from the above article (Mary Hefferen’s obituary from the Cook County Herald, Arlington Heights, Cook County, Illinois, Friday, July 30, 1915.)


Miss Mary Hefferen Loses Life in Great Disaster.


Was Sister of William and John Hefferen of Heights.         

 Arlington Heights, too, felt the  horror of the great tragedy that  overwhelmed Chicago last Saturday  morning in the sinking of the steamer Eastland  in the Chicago river at  which time over 1,200 men, women and children were swept to an untimely death as the great lake steamer took its fatal plunge. Miss Mary Hefferen, a former resident of this village, having beep born and raised here, was among the many hundreds  whose lives were sacrificed in the  worst marine accident Chicago has ever known, Sho was a sister of  William and John Hefferen of this place. 

As soon as news of the terrible  disaster reached Arlington Heights, relatives of Miss Hefferen, knowing  that she intended making the trip on the Eastland, hurried to the city. No trace of her was found until three clock the next morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Collins, neighbors of Miss. Hefferen and Intimate friends of Miss  Hefferen found her body among the  hundreds of victims at the Second Regiment Armory.      

They were told by policemen that the body had been  taken from the water about 4  o'clock  in the afternoon.  The two girl chums who accompanied Miss Hefferen on the fateful  day were both rescued. They said  that the three were on the top deck  when they noticed the boat was listing to the port side. Miss Hefferen,  they said, was very calm and cautioned them not to get excited. They  were swept off the deck into the water and saved, but Miss Hefferen was struck by some heavy piece of rigging and pinioned in the wreckage.  When taken from the water her body  was found to be badly crushed and  one arm was broken. There was no  water in the longs, showing that  death was not caused by drowning  but that in all probability she was  killed instantly when struck by the  heavy object that crushed her body. 

Deceased, who was a daughter of the late John Hefferen Sr., was born in Arlington Heights Mar. 18, 1875, She  secured her education here, being a  graduate of the grammar school. She  moved to Chicago twenty-one years  ago, worked four years as a clerk in  the Boston Store, and for past 17  years had been an employe of the  Western Electric Company, working  her way up to the position of assistant floorlady.  The funeral took place Tuesday  morning, services being held at the  home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas  Hopkins, 3032 Parnell Ave., and at  Nativity church, 37th St. and Parnell Ave., at 10 o'clock. There was a  large attendance of relatives and  friends and the floral tributes were  profuse and beautiful. Many from  Arlington Heights were present to  pay a final tribute of respect, among  them being Mr. and Mrs.William  Hefferen and family, Mr. John Hefferen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Firnbach,  Mrs. Lauternberg and daughter, Mrs.  Emil Sioburg, Mrs. Charles Petersen,  Mrs. Charles Fitzpatrick, Miss Flora  Traub, Mr. Fred Lorenzen and Mr.  Nick Kolle, The remains were laid  at rest in Mt. Olivet cemetery.   


We can in no other thanks express our heartfelt thanks to the many good neighbors and friends for their expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness since the death of our loving sister Mary,  and to assure those who so thoughtfully sent floral attributes that their kindness will not be forgotten. Wm. Hefferen & Family. John Hefferen. - Cook County Herald, Arlington Heights, Cook County, Illinois, Friday, July 30, 1915. 

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

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