Eastland Hymn (video)

The image is a thumbnail design titled 'The Angel of the Eastland.' It features an ethereal statue of a woman, draped in classical attire, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a solemn expression. Behind the statue, the Chicago skyline and ships are vi

The image is a thumbnail design titled 'The Angel of the Eastland.' It features an ethereal statue of a woman, draped in classical attire, holding a bouquet of flowers, with a solemn expression. Behind the statue, the Chicago skyline and ships are visible, evoking a historical ambiance. ©2024 DESIGN BY NATALIE ZETT

Honoring Legacy: A Family Scrapbook from Poland to Johnstown to Chicago

Video: Eastland Hymn by Natalie Zett

I'm continually inspired by the upcoming anniversary of the Eastland Disaster. This time, I decided to create a song, which I did. But a song alone isn't enough, is it? So, I compiled many images from my research on the history of the Eastland. Since they're all my favorites, it was tough to narrow them down, but I managed. Enough said. I’ll let the work speak for itself.

Eastland Hymn

© 2024

Concept by Natalie Zett, Generated via SUNO


River deep so tragic fell

Eastland's tale we now do tell

Morning light we say goodbye

Tears and sorrow fill the sky

[Verse 2]

City's heart in rivers cold

Stories lost but must be told

Whistles blow the silence breaks

On this day the heart it aches


Eastland's call through time it rings

Memory of the pain it brings

Souls we honor spirits high

In our hearts they never die

[Verse 3]

Families boarded dreams in eyes

Morning peace it turned to cries

Life so fragile death so near

Eastland's shadow ever clear


In the currents whispers low

Voices of a time ago

We remember we recall

Eastland's journey final fall


Eastland's call through time it rings

Memory of the pain it brings

Souls we honor spirits high

In our hearts they never die

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


Survived But Not Saved: The Lingering Legacy of the Eastland Disaster


Snapshots of a Legacy: Our Family's Chicago Story