2023 Podcast Stats (Buzzsprout Backtrack)

2023 Backtrack

The Unexpected Journey of Flower in the River Podcast

When I kicked off the Flower in the River podcast in March 2023, I thought it'd be a once-in-a-while gig. Well, surprise! Plans are just fictional tales we tell ourselves. I ended up practically living in my recording booth every weekend. Talk about a plot twist!

Audiobook and Podcast: A Dynamic Duo

Here's the cool part: while recording my audiobook, the podcast became my sidekick. Tired of the audiobook grind? Time for a podcast episode! Each chapter sparked a new podcast idea, rejuvenating me for more audiobook recording. It was like a creative tag team - audiobook tags in, podcast tags out.

The Marathon of Creation: Stamina Required

Yes, it was an epic saga of work, energy, and intense research. Not to mention the stamina of a marathon runner. Fast forward to late summer - audiobook published, check! No more chapter-by-chapter breakdowns needed for the podcast. Why? Well, because hey, now you can just listen to the whole thing via the audiobook.

Audiobook Adventures: More Than Just Reading Aloud

Creating an audiobook isn't a walk in the park. RMS, Noise Floor, Peak Level – the technical trio of nightmares. Picture this: Me in a makeshift studio in a garage, with construction noise as my unwanted soundtrack from across the alley. But hey, now it's a funny story! A heartfelt nod to my friends, the talented actors-turned-voiceover artists, and the audio engineering gurus in LA and the UK. Their genuine support and straightforward feedback were invaluable. They were more than just a team; they were my navigators in this journey. Thanks to their guidance and my dedication to incorporating their advice, I achieved first-time approval for my audiobook – a testament to the power of collaboration and action.

The Eastland Chronicles: A Podcast Detour

But here's the thing: My book was all about tracing my family's journey through immigration to the Eastland Disaster to more modern times. Yet, I found myself time-traveling back to Chicago, 1915. What about the other 844 souls lost in the disaster? So many untold and neglected stories that needed to be heard. Enter The Eastland Chronicles - my podcast's new chapter, unraveling tales from before and after the tragedy. Thought I'd be done by now? Guess again. This show's got legs!

Global Ears: Buzzsprout Blows My Mind

And here's a quirky twist: My podcast stats from Buzzsprout reveal a fanbase beyond the U.S., with a surprise Finnish following! Who knew? Thanks, Finland?

Buzzsprout Backtrack 2023 for Flower in the RIver Podcast

Thanks, St. Paul (my home town!)

Ireland —and Finland? What a wonderful surprise!

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


Curveballs and Calamities: Eastland Disaster Baseball Connection - Part 1


Eastland Waters: Melody, Verse, and Lithuanian Legacy in Chicago