Angel of the Eastland

The Angel of the Eastland @2024 Design by Natalie Zett

Their names are not just markers, but stories within.
“Each name holds a story of a life lived," I say,
A narrative of moments, not washed away.

- Natalie Zett

To view the document, (1) Scroll with your mouse button on the page or (2) click on the pop-out icon in the upper right to open. This is a list of the Eastland Disaster dead from the Chicago Coroner’s office, July 24, 1915. The Eastland Disaster Historical Society

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.

A Switchboard Operator and a Nurse Walk Into a Shipwreck: Unraveling the Eastland Disaster


Western Electric News - The Dead