Unleash Your Inner Storyteller: Bring Ancestors' Lives to Life with Digital Magic!

Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey into your past, where the chronicles of your ancestors come alive! Far from being just names and dates on a family tree, they transform into the vibrant characters of a grand saga. How, you ask? Welcome to the world of digital graphic tools. The number of digital tools is overwhelming, so I only use a few: Comic Life, BeFunky, Photoshop, and Adobe Express. But I’m always trying new tools as well, such as AI-generated art.

Transforming your family history into a visual feast doesn’t require a degree in Fine Arts. All you need is a dash of creativity and a pinch of design sense – knowing what looks good and what needs a tweak. It helps too if you’re curious and enjoy learning. It helps to find a mentor or two so you can keep growing. Unleash the inner artist in you, as these tools cater to both beginners and savvy designers alike.


You might start your journey with Comic Life, a realm where your family history morphs into engaging comic strips. Choose a layout that befits your ancestral tale from the myriad of templates available. Populate your comics with images of your forebears, and use thought bubbles to bring their voices alive. Add a touch of the dramatic with various effects and filters, offering your images a comic-like appearance.

Stepping into BeFunky opens a vista of possibilities. This robust tool allows you to transform old family photographs into mesmerizing visuals. Brighten a dim picture, add a dash of color to a black-and-white photo, or use the collage maker to craft a visual timeline of your lineage. Want to go the extra mile? Use the graphic design feature to design custom backgrounds. You can even create eye-catching infographics that speak volumes about your family’s legacy.

Dive deeper into your visual journey with Adobe Express. This user-friendly tool, with its impressive array of templates, typographic options, and design filters, can give your family history project a professional touch. Enhance your images with engaging text overlays, design intricately layered visuals. You can invite your entire family to contribute to this project via the collaboration feature, too. The joy of discovery and creation is even better when shared!

Forget the confusion! When it comes to AI art, why not embrace the term “Generative Art” and leave your worries behind? Countless authors have harnessed the creative powers of tools like Midjourney and Dall-E to bring their writing to life, and guess what? You can do the same to illustrate your family history beautifully! It might take a little adjustment, but trust me, the results are totally worth it. So go ahead, dive into the world of Generated Art, and let your family’s story shine like never before!

There are other tools, so experiment and find something you enjoy.

Don’t be disheartened if you think you lack a strong design sense. The only way to hone it is by diving in and experimenting. Choosing layouts, fonts, and color palettes can both illuminate your family's history—and help you develop your creative skills.

Are you ready to unleash your inner detective and artist? Go for it! Digital art tools are a powerful way to bring your family history to life. By playing with design elements, you’ll uncover hidden insights, spot connections, and witness history in a whole new way. As a writer (first) and designer (second), I’ve discovered a unique fusion of both worlds. There’s no shortage of disasters and tragedies in my family tree (!), and  I've uncovered my ancestors' strength and resilience with words and pictures. Step out of the shadows and into a vibrant, captivating masterpiece that honors your heritage.

Remember, your ancestors’ extraordinary stories are waiting to be told, and what better way to share them than through your unique design lens? It’s time to bring those old stories off the pages of history and breathe life into them. Get started today and let your family’s legacy shine through your artistic narratives! This is your call to action - grab these tools, start creating, and make your family history a visual treat for generations to come.

Two examples from my portfolio:


©2023 Natalie Zett

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


The Mayflower People OR The Day I Learned I had No Family History


SIsters who were sisters - x2